Thursday, February 21, 2013

GradSWE Spring Kick-Off Meeting

When: Thursday, Feb. 21 at 6:30PM
Where: Hollister 314

We will be discussing an improvement on our current structure to get more people involved and need your help. We have many events planned for this semester, but we are always looking for more suggestions. Currently, the events we have planned are:
1. Negotiation Seminar with Erica Dawson (Feb 14)
2. Speed Mentoring (March)
3. Grant Writing Workshop (March/Apr)
4. Madeleine Dessert Nights (ongoing)

If you cannot make the meeting and would like to be a part of our new executive structure, please email us.


Aseema and Katie

Negotiations Seminar with Erica Dawson

When: Thursday, February 14th (11:45-1PM)
Where: 128 Olin Hall (a.k.a. Rhodes Lounge)
Who*: Women Engineering and Science Graduate Students
*Catered lunch will be provided.

Graduate Society of Women Engineers and CBE Women invite you to a negotiations seminar with Erica Dawson. With the spring career fair fresh in your mind, this seminar will cover negotiation strategies that are necessary for professional advancement through all stages of one's career. This will include a Q&A session.

Featured Speaker: Erica (Ph.D. '04, Cornell University) is the college’s first director of Engineering Leadership. Previously, she served as the director of the Program on Organizational and Executive Ethics at the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She was also an assistant professor at the Yale School of Management and was a visiting faculty member at Cornell’s Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management.

*Priority given to CBE women until February 5. This event is invite and RSVP only. We will email you for lunch orders.

GradSWE Holiday Cookie and Card Decorating

When: Friday, December 7th (4:30-6:30PM) in Weill 226
Who: Graduate and Professional Students*

Join the Graduate Society of Women Engineers (GradSWE) in decorating holiday cookies and cards. Take a break from research and studying for some warm spiced wine, cider and snacks. Learn more about how to get involved with GradSWE next semester.

*This event will only be open to graduate and professional students, since we will be serving alcohol. Please bring a government-issued ID to this event.